welcome to dreamtheronin studios. In it you will see downloadable utility software for your daily life. All software is made in cutting-edge programming languages such as Python, C, Java, and in the future C#.
If you want more software ideas, talk to me on or right here on
an addicted programmer making software for PC only "windows" cries linux 😂🤣
requirements for downloading software
1 have Windows 10
2 have winrar
3 if you don't have any of the steps on the list, sit down and cry and do the L
atenção a todos q usam meus app. geralmente eles são feitos em pysimplegui, uma biblioteca gráfica onde vc pode manipular varias coisas, como, botão, caixa de texto etc... agr ele parece q ficou pago para usar, e eu n tenho esse sucesso para comprar a licença, mas msm assim eu vou procurar outras bibliotecas para usar, vai ser difÃcil de achar uma tão boa quanto o do pysimplegui, mas vou tentar, por enquanto vou usar o TK.
Attention to everyone who uses my apps. generally they are made in pysimplegui, a graphical library where you can manipulate various things, such as buttons, text boxes, etc... now it looks like you paid to use it, and I don't have the success to buy the license, but anyway So I'm going to look for other libraries to use, it will be difficult to find one as good as pysimplegui, but I'm going to try, for now I'm going to use TK.